Our industry has done itself few favours in recent years with various suggestions of miss-selling and unsuitable advice. Financial advice has become associated with high pressure sales and opaque commission structures.
We fully adopt the principles of the Retail Distribution Review, a UK regulatory initiative. This means that all investment products we recommend do not pay a commission, therefore we are not incentivised in a way that could result in our favouring a particular investment or provider. This ensures that all advice is solely based on the benefits to our clients and not the adviser.
Our advisers do not have individual sales targets and do not benefit from sales related bonuses. As partners, our advisers will share in the overall success of the business. The entire team is salaried at a level that fully recognises an individual’s role, experience and responsibilities. A profit sharing scheme ensures all team members are rewarded equally based on each year’s results. We firmly believe that all our team members contribute equally to the overall success of our business and the service we provide.
As you would expect, we need to charge for our services. We typically charge a fee based on a percentage of an initial investment. This can be paid directly from your investment, with your authority, or you can request to settle fees by invoice. For larger investments and final salary pension transfers an agreed fixed fee is usually the preferred option. Pension transfer fees can usually be settled from the transfer proceeds.
Our ongoing fees are based upon the level of assets under advice, the complexity of the investment structure and the frequency of review meetings required. We do not adopt a “one size fits all” approach, in order to ensure that our annual fees demonstrate value to each and every individual client.
We do not handle client money and we do not have any in-house products to advise upon.
Our ethos is based on serving our clients, working with you and listening to your requirements, acting professionally with integrity, approaching advice in a pro-active manner and building a long-standing relationship.